Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Recycling Paper

In every classroom there is a new, green, recycling bin. If you have any paper rubbish or you have drawn on the paper you can put it in the green recycling bin. You are not allowed to put food scraps in the green recycling bins. This paper goes into a big recycling bin at the back of D Block.
We have to be really careful about what we put inside those green recycling bins - only paper. Put your food scraps in the yellow bins for the animals and all other rubbish in the big dark green bins.
Help our school to recycle!
Written by Manraj

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Interviewing The East News Bloggers 2012

The Bloggers are: Elyshia A6, Muskaan A6, Sadhika D5, Manraj A6 and Me (Shivaaansh A6)

Q. What do you like about being a blogger?
Sadhika: I like publishing posts
Manraj: I like posting stuff and learning lots of facts
Elyshia: Because you can write articles on what you want to write about
Muskaan: Posting new things all the times

Q. What kind of posts do like blogging?
Sadhika: Any type of posts
Manraj: Special Days
Elyshia: Interviews
Muskaan: Book Reviews 

Q.What was your first post ever?
Sadhika: Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (2011)
Manraj: Interviewing Miss Graham
Elyshia: The Walking School Bus(WSB)
Muskaan: The Very Hungry Bear

Q What is your best post ever?
Sadhika: All my posts
Manraj: Father's Day
Elyshia: The Walking School Bus(WSB)
Muskaan: Aunty Nanny Piggins

Q Would you join in 2013?
Sadhika: Of course! Because it's cool
Manraj: Yes! Because I love posting
Elyshia: Of course! Because blogging is fantastic
Muskaan: Definately

Our other blog about books is  http://pepimagine.blogspot.co.nz/ where our bloggers also blog!

Interviewed by: Shivaansh A6

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Ramadan is the ninth month of the lunar Islamic calendar. It's the sacred month because in this month the Holy Qu'ran was revealed to Prophet Muhammed. (Peace be upon him) In Ramadan Muslims all around the world fast which lasts 29-30 days. Everyday Muslims wake up before dawn to eat and break their fast at sunset. One has to abstain from food and drink, increased recitation of the Holy Qu'ran, have extended prayers and keep away from forbidden acts such as gossips, stealing, telling lies etc...

Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. It draws one closer to Allah (God) by the aiding in purification of the heart/soul and helps to improve ones character. During the month of Ramadan one is encouraged to do praiseworthy acts eg charity, kindness, generosity, patience and forgiveness. In 2012 Ramadan starts on the 20th of July and ends on the 18th of August. (all depends on the sighting of the new crescent moon) Every year Ramadan begins eleven days earlier than the previous year.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~Eid Ul-Fitr~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Eid ul-fitr is celebrated after completing the fasting month of Ramadan. Early in the morning the Muslims attend a large congregational prayer at the mosque or at centres/halls. The rest of the day is enjoyed by visiting families and friends. The best part is receiving money and gifts. Eid lasts 3 days.

Reviewed by Aaliyah

Monday, September 3, 2012

Father's Day

Did you know that Father's Day is on second of September? What are you going to give your dad? Or you can give a gift to a man who deserves it, like your teacher, uncle, grandad and your brother. Your father is someone that is really going to encourage you in life. A Father loves their children/child a lot even when he is not feeling well. So this is why a dad or another important man really deserves to be loved a lot. Here is an acrostic poem:

Funny father

Amazing dad

The best person ever

He loves you alot

Encouraging person

Really very adorable

Written by Manraj and Muskaan

Hundertwasser Art

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.